Monday, September 30, 2013


Here is a line from an article I read on Fox News. “But at this stage, a shutdown is highly possible, and congressional leaders are hard at work trying to assign blame”. This is so true and also very sad. Neither side will budge, there is no compromise and the American people will suffer. Even if the Senate does pass the budget bill allowing for the delay of Obama care, this shutdown will not be averted. I saw on the news that the POTUS said he will veto the bill. So the President, who said he wants to work with Republicans, will only do so if he gets his way. Where I come from we don’t call that working together. That’s called bullying.

I’m not going to go into my feelings on the budget and Obamacare in this post. I just want to point out my disappointment in our current politicians, from both sides. Wipe away the line in the sand and come to a compromise, if only for a short while. I would also like to point out to the POTUS, whatever the House and Senate decide, go with it. Don’t “take your ball and go home”.

One last point. I have heard many people (especially government workers, who are facing no paychecks) say that congress would fix this if their paychecks were on the line. No they would not. How many House and Senate members rely on their government paycheck? Not very many, most of them were successful in business before taking their position. If you really want to hurt congressional members, furlough their aides. See what happens when they have to do the work themselves.