Tuesday, January 14, 2014


For those of you that are tired of our current two party system in America there is change on the horizon. Though this is only in its infancy, I invite everyone to check out the newly forming Veterans’ Party of America. It is a new party being founded by veterans for all Americans. Here is a brief synopsis from their web page:

Our Mission is to place Veterans and other great Americans that will not forget their oath to the Constitution into political office.


Our Mission is to place Veterans and other qualified Americans in political office so America can once again be the nation it has always been-Strong, Fair, Just. We believe in Liberty, Justice and Freedom.

Even though our name is the Veterans Party of America, as with any other legitimate political party in the United States, there is no requirement for any member of this party to have served in the military or currently be serving on active duty, nor is there any requirement for members of this party to be associated with any military organization or facility.


Republicans and Democrats in both the House of Representatives and Senate have chosen to cut benefits to Veterans. This included Veterans combat injured. No more. Veterans are forming our own political party. We are not Liberals, Conservatives or Libertarian. We are all. Veterans come from all walks of life, all political parties. The party will not discriminate!

Veterans account for a smaller and smaller share of Congress. Only 20 (20%) Senators and 89 (20.5%) Members of the House of Representatives are Veterans. Not all that long ago, military service was practically a requirement for serving in Congress. The high point in recent decades was the 95th Congress (1977-78) when, following an influx of Vietnam-era veterans, a combined 77% of the House and Senate had served in the armed forces.

There are 22 MILLION Veterans. We are the largest voting bloc in America. Our numbers grow tremendously when we add our families, friends and supporters. We have the numerical advantage and ability. We have Leaders.

We are not Liberals, Conservatives or Libertarian. We are all. Veterans come from all walks of life, all political parties. The party will not discriminate against any Veterans or Americans and is open to anyone, whether they have served, or not.

Too many groups worry about social issues that are apolitical, and these are only an issue because the government chose to get involved in the first place, making them issues in order to divide Americans along party lines. Veterans always find a way to meet on common ground, not reasons to divide.

A Veteran is a Veteran and an American is an American, regardless of race, creed, ethnicity, gender, sexual preference or religious beliefs-or lack of belief. This is about Veterans and loyal Americans donning suits for the Restoration of the Constitutional Republic. We have fought for Liberty, Freedom and the Constitution. Those are values of all, Liberals, Libertarians and Conservatives.

The time is now to reverse this trend. We began forming when Congress and the Senate chose benefits for Illegal Aliens over Combat Injured Medically Retired Veterans.

To learn more or to get involved go to: https://www.facebook.com/VeteransPartyOfAmerica