Friday, December 20, 2013


Political correctness in this country has gotten way out of hand. Our citizens have the right to free speech and to voice their opinions.  Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not condoning the disrespect or bashing of anyone with different views than yours. EVERYONE has the right to their opinion and to voice it. If you don’t agree with someone’s opinion you have two choices. 1. Discuss it with the person. If you can’t agree, then you need to agree to disagree.  2. Don’t listen. It is as simple as that. As long as they are not inciting hate or violence, their opinion is their right. This includes public figures. There are a lot of public figures, of all races and religions that I don’t agree with. I follow rule number 2, I don’t listen. Getting offended and complaining because someone voices an opinion different than yours is ridicules. They are entitled to their opinions. Unfortunately at this time in America, it is the White Heterosexual Christians that are persecuted for their opinions. If you are a member of a minority race, religion, or sexual practice, you can publicly say whatever you want. You are even applauded for it. If someone doesn’t like your opinion, they are labeled as prejudice. Now, let me point out that I am not this pro white Christian heterosexual zealot, shouting from my soap box. I personally could care less about a person’s race, religion or sexual orientation. Now are there things I don’t agree with or understand about some various demographic groups, of course there are. That’s human nature. If asked my opinion am I going to answer truthfully, of course I am. Would my answer offend someone, now that depends on the individual listening. Do I wish any malice or ill will to anyone in any of these groups, of course not. Do I get offended if someone from one of these groups expresses their opinion, no, that is there right.

Let’s go to the most recent case of persecution in the media, Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty. Mr. Robertson is a “reality” television personality. He is paid to be himself on TV. He is a 67 year old man from the back woods of Louisiana with very devout Christian beliefs. He does not make any attempt to hide that on the show. He is who he is and will not change for anyone. I respect him for that. In a recent magazine article he was asked his opinion on homosexuality. Knowing what everyone in America knows about this man, his answer was no surprise. He answered the question in a truthful, respectful manner, with no hate or malice intended. His answer was rooted in his deep religious beliefs. Yet, this man is now being persecuted. This, in my opinion is wrong. As I said in the first line of this article, political correctness in this country has gotten way out of hand.

Sunday, October 13, 2013


I own America. Well, let me clarify that. I own a portion of America. There are approximately 300,000,000 American citizens. Each citizen is a part owner of this great nation. So, with that being said, I own 1/300,000,000th of America. The same amount as any other citizen. The same amount as our representatives in Washington. Our current administration acts like they own this country and they are our rulers, not our equals who we elected as our representatives. I’m not pointing the finger at any one party or person. This problem is across the board. The frightening part about this is that the rest of this nation’s owners are getting fed up with their behavior and inability to do the job we hired them to do. Yes we hired them, we are their bosses. I point this out because there are things going on in this country I never thought I would see happen in my lifetime.  Unfortunately current circumstances have turned this nation into a tinder box on the verge of major civil unrest.

Some minor civil unrest has already begun in our nation capital. A couple weeks ago over 800,000 bikers rode to DC to show their feelings on current issues. They were denied a permit, but went anyway. Just this weekend, in an effort to make a point, thousands of truckers purposely gridlocked the beltway around Washington. Also, some of our fellow nation’s owners have gone to Washington and removed the barriers keeping people away from “our” monuments. Some of the barriers around our war memorials were piled up on the fence of the white house (which we also own). To those responsible for this, I salute you.

Do I believe that major civil unrest is the answer? No I don’t. Do I believe that well placed peaceful acts of defiance may help our nation? Yes I do. Do I think we will ever get all 300,000,000 of our nation’s owners to totally agree on anything? Absolutely not. Do I think we will ever have representatives in Washington that remember they are not our rulers and they themselves only own 1/300,000,000th of America? I pray to God that day will come and it comes soon.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


A letter came out today from the President to all Federal workers. He said all the expected stuff, how great we are, getting a raw deal, yada, yada, yada. All the normal lip service. But in one paragraph, on the second page he could not resist playing politics and assigning blame for the shut down. This was not the right forum for that. No class whatsoever.

Here is the paragraph in question:

“This shutdown was completely preventable. It should not have happened. And the House of Representatives can end it as soon as it follows the Senate's lead, and funds your work in the United States Government without trying to attach highly controversial and partisan measures in the process.”

Below is the letter in it's entirety:

Monday, September 30, 2013


Here is a line from an article I read on Fox News. “But at this stage, a shutdown is highly possible, and congressional leaders are hard at work trying to assign blame”. This is so true and also very sad. Neither side will budge, there is no compromise and the American people will suffer. Even if the Senate does pass the budget bill allowing for the delay of Obama care, this shutdown will not be averted. I saw on the news that the POTUS said he will veto the bill. So the President, who said he wants to work with Republicans, will only do so if he gets his way. Where I come from we don’t call that working together. That’s called bullying.

I’m not going to go into my feelings on the budget and Obamacare in this post. I just want to point out my disappointment in our current politicians, from both sides. Wipe away the line in the sand and come to a compromise, if only for a short while. I would also like to point out to the POTUS, whatever the House and Senate decide, go with it. Don’t “take your ball and go home”.

One last point. I have heard many people (especially government workers, who are facing no paychecks) say that congress would fix this if their paychecks were on the line. No they would not. How many House and Senate members rely on their government paycheck? Not very many, most of them were successful in business before taking their position. If you really want to hurt congressional members, furlough their aides. See what happens when they have to do the work themselves.

Saturday, July 20, 2013


George Zimmerman is half Hispanic and half White. The media portrays him as a White man who shot a Black youth, even though he appears more Hispanic. This portrayal makes for more sensational news. It’s sad to say, but a Black kid being shot by a Mexican is not as big of a news story. This unfortunately happens regularly in some of our cities that have big gang problems, no big deal to the media.

President Obama is half Black and half White. The media portrays him as the first Black President, and yes, he appears Black. This portrayal is history making and makes for more sensational news.

The next time you are looking for the main cause of continued racial division in the country (I won't say the only reason, but it tops the list), look no farther than the media. They ram it down our throats every chance they get. They purposely try to stir up latent racial feelings in many people that have move beyond these feelings. If they can stir feelings that cause protest or disturbances, well, that’s just more news stories in the making.