Saturday, December 5, 2015


Rogers Rant.  This one is about the word “racist” and how it is misused. According to the Oxford Dictionary racism is: 1. Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior, 2. The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. The dictionary defines a “race” as: Each of the major divisions of humankind, having distinct physical characteristics. Nowhere in these definitions does it mention religion. People can be of any religion no matter their race. You can change your religion; you can’t change your race. So, don’t call someone a racist when they dislike or distrust people of a particular religion. It is not racism; the proper term is actually religious prejudice. 

Now for the world according to Roger. I do not care what religion you are. You can be Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist, Wicca or any other of the hundreds of religions (or sects/denominations within these religions) in the world today. What I do care about is when you use your religion as an excuse to murder, harm, oppress, or enslave other people just because they do not believe in the same god (or worship the same god in the same manner) as you. I am not necessarily talking about a lone wolf nut job with mental issues. I am also not talking about the small racist hate groups that used their twisted version of Christianity to legitimize their racism. Yes I do have a problem with people like that, but I am talking bigger picture. Many religions have had issues throughout the years. Christianity went through a dark time where it was punishable to belong to the wrong denomination. Fortunately those days are over for Christians. I am talking about the worldwide issue of terrorism and oppression being committed by members of the Muslim faith. Do I believe that the majority of Muslims are peace loving people, yes I do. But on the other hand there is a largely disproportionate population that believes if you are not Muslim then you should die. These people are organized, highly armed, and well trained. They are also experts at blending in with peace loving Muslims and society as a whole. That is, until it is time to strike. These same people also do not believe in human rights. In fact under their own sharia law woman do not have rights; they are basically the property of their husband. Men or women do not have the right of free speech. Blasphemy is punished and the punishment can include death by beheading. Due to these beliefs and recent activities around the world and on our own soil I have become distrustful of Muslims.  I am not proud of this distrust, but I believe the safety of my family and the American way of life is more important than bowing to the sensitivities of Muslims. So with this all being said and getting back to the original point of this article if you must label me for my belief do not label me a racist. I do have religious prejudice, but I am not a racist.

Monday, December 22, 2014


A friend of mine got caught in a traffic jam in down town Atlanta the other day. It was caused by people lying in the street protesting the Michael Brown case. She put a post on facebook about the incident and asked my personal opinion as a Law Enforcement Officer. She wanted to know if I felt whether these people were helping or hurting their cause by inconveniencing others. She was also curious if there was a way to have cooperation between police and the local citizenry. After I typed a quick response, I felt it would make a good blog entry. Here is my response to her questions:

This does absolutely nothing for their cause. In many cities there are meetings between community leaders and law enforcement. One of the problems is that people in a lot of the inner cities are raised to believe the police are the enemy, not a force that is there to help protect them. There are proper legal ways to protest, lying down in the street disrupting the lives of other law abiding citizens is not proper or legal. I go back to the philosophy that we are a nation of laws. These cases were heard in a court of law. Whether you agree with the outcome is irrelevant. A decision was made by 12 people that heard all the evidence. Just like elections. You may not like the person that won, but they are still in office. I will add one other thing (while I am on my soap box). Not everything in this country is about race. If you break a law, assault a police officer (or anyone else) you take the chance of getting arrested, harmed or even shot. Does not matter what color your skin is. If Michael Brown was a white or Hispanic kid in the exact same circumstances, he would be just as dead. It just would not be on the national news”.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Today I attended the funeral of Deputy Christopher Smith. He was a family man who spent 25 years in law enforcement. He responded to a call for help and was gunned down by a coward in a pre-meditated ambush. Deputy Smith did not even have an opportunity to defend himself. To Deputy Smith, I would like to say Rest in Peace brother. To his family, I don’t feel I could express any words satisfactory to ease their suffering.

While attending his service I could not help but to think about the events going on in Ferguson Mo. at the moment. Officer Darrin Wilson was attacked and threatened by a suspect in a crime. The officer used his training and the tools provided to him to protect himself. Unfortunately the suspect, Michael Brown, was killed. Naturally an investigation was held, and as everyone knows, the grand jury did not find sufficient evidence to convict the Officer Wilson. An officer that was doing what he had been trained to do.

The above two stories are far too common occurrences in law enforcement. The most unsettling part is what has happened in Ferguson since the Grand Jury handed down their decision. Rioting, looting, and destroying businesses, homes and property. The people doing all of this are destroying their own neighborhoods. I just cannot see the logic in that. There has to be large gaping tears in the fabric of a society for this to happen. To the people of Ferguson I would like to say, if you want to make changes there are legal ways to go about it, not rioting. Before you can make any lasting change you must fix the fabric of your community. If you don’t like a strong police presence, work together and lower the crime rate. Work within your own community to teach your youth that crime is wrong. I know it is more difficult than spouting out a few words. It will take some real community leaders to make this happen.

I hesitate to bring up race, but feel I must. If Michael Brown was a young white man or if Officer Wilson was black, this case would not have even made the national news. But, because Michael Brown was black and Officer Wilson is white it attracted attention. It attracted the attention of men like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson (I refuse to use the title of Reverend with either of these two). These men have made a career out of racial unrest. They stir the pot at every chance they get. If there was no racial unrest in this country they would not have a forum for their hatred. I do not believe there would be near as much civil unrest in Ferguson if these two men and a few others like them did not stir the pot. They are experts at striking the spark that ignites the proverbial forest fire. To Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton I would like to say……….well polite society prevents me from saying what I would like to say. Let’s just say it involves having sex and you will be alone.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


For those of you that are tired of our current two party system in America there is change on the horizon. Though this is only in its infancy, I invite everyone to check out the newly forming Veterans’ Party of America. It is a new party being founded by veterans for all Americans. Here is a brief synopsis from their web page:

Our Mission is to place Veterans and other great Americans that will not forget their oath to the Constitution into political office.


Our Mission is to place Veterans and other qualified Americans in political office so America can once again be the nation it has always been-Strong, Fair, Just. We believe in Liberty, Justice and Freedom.

Even though our name is the Veterans Party of America, as with any other legitimate political party in the United States, there is no requirement for any member of this party to have served in the military or currently be serving on active duty, nor is there any requirement for members of this party to be associated with any military organization or facility.


Republicans and Democrats in both the House of Representatives and Senate have chosen to cut benefits to Veterans. This included Veterans combat injured. No more. Veterans are forming our own political party. We are not Liberals, Conservatives or Libertarian. We are all. Veterans come from all walks of life, all political parties. The party will not discriminate!

Veterans account for a smaller and smaller share of Congress. Only 20 (20%) Senators and 89 (20.5%) Members of the House of Representatives are Veterans. Not all that long ago, military service was practically a requirement for serving in Congress. The high point in recent decades was the 95th Congress (1977-78) when, following an influx of Vietnam-era veterans, a combined 77% of the House and Senate had served in the armed forces.

There are 22 MILLION Veterans. We are the largest voting bloc in America. Our numbers grow tremendously when we add our families, friends and supporters. We have the numerical advantage and ability. We have Leaders.

We are not Liberals, Conservatives or Libertarian. We are all. Veterans come from all walks of life, all political parties. The party will not discriminate against any Veterans or Americans and is open to anyone, whether they have served, or not.

Too many groups worry about social issues that are apolitical, and these are only an issue because the government chose to get involved in the first place, making them issues in order to divide Americans along party lines. Veterans always find a way to meet on common ground, not reasons to divide.

A Veteran is a Veteran and an American is an American, regardless of race, creed, ethnicity, gender, sexual preference or religious beliefs-or lack of belief. This is about Veterans and loyal Americans donning suits for the Restoration of the Constitutional Republic. We have fought for Liberty, Freedom and the Constitution. Those are values of all, Liberals, Libertarians and Conservatives.

The time is now to reverse this trend. We began forming when Congress and the Senate chose benefits for Illegal Aliens over Combat Injured Medically Retired Veterans.

To learn more or to get involved go to:

Friday, December 20, 2013


Political correctness in this country has gotten way out of hand. Our citizens have the right to free speech and to voice their opinions.  Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not condoning the disrespect or bashing of anyone with different views than yours. EVERYONE has the right to their opinion and to voice it. If you don’t agree with someone’s opinion you have two choices. 1. Discuss it with the person. If you can’t agree, then you need to agree to disagree.  2. Don’t listen. It is as simple as that. As long as they are not inciting hate or violence, their opinion is their right. This includes public figures. There are a lot of public figures, of all races and religions that I don’t agree with. I follow rule number 2, I don’t listen. Getting offended and complaining because someone voices an opinion different than yours is ridicules. They are entitled to their opinions. Unfortunately at this time in America, it is the White Heterosexual Christians that are persecuted for their opinions. If you are a member of a minority race, religion, or sexual practice, you can publicly say whatever you want. You are even applauded for it. If someone doesn’t like your opinion, they are labeled as prejudice. Now, let me point out that I am not this pro white Christian heterosexual zealot, shouting from my soap box. I personally could care less about a person’s race, religion or sexual orientation. Now are there things I don’t agree with or understand about some various demographic groups, of course there are. That’s human nature. If asked my opinion am I going to answer truthfully, of course I am. Would my answer offend someone, now that depends on the individual listening. Do I wish any malice or ill will to anyone in any of these groups, of course not. Do I get offended if someone from one of these groups expresses their opinion, no, that is there right.

Let’s go to the most recent case of persecution in the media, Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty. Mr. Robertson is a “reality” television personality. He is paid to be himself on TV. He is a 67 year old man from the back woods of Louisiana with very devout Christian beliefs. He does not make any attempt to hide that on the show. He is who he is and will not change for anyone. I respect him for that. In a recent magazine article he was asked his opinion on homosexuality. Knowing what everyone in America knows about this man, his answer was no surprise. He answered the question in a truthful, respectful manner, with no hate or malice intended. His answer was rooted in his deep religious beliefs. Yet, this man is now being persecuted. This, in my opinion is wrong. As I said in the first line of this article, political correctness in this country has gotten way out of hand.