Monday, April 15, 2013

TRICARE Another Broken Promise

Okay, back on my soapbox about dwindling veteran’s benefits. Once again TRICARE is at the forefront of this piece. “Do a full career and retire from the military, you’ll get free medical for yourself and your family for the rest of your life”. That was the promise made to millions of people as they join the military. I drank the cool aid and did a full career. It was a very rewarding career and one that I am proud of. I did what was asked of me and held up to my end of the bargain. All I ask for is that the government I defended stands up to their end.

I read an article today specifying that the Obama administration is proposing a salary cap for the military and higher fees for retirees using TRICARE. One, our military members are already grossly underpaid and two, give retirees what they earned. Granted TRICARE is great insurance and the cost is low compared to other plans. But, there is a difference between low cost and no cost. The article goes on to state that premium increases in the future will mirror retiree cost of living rises.

I would like to point out a few things our current elected representatives need to remember. One: remember what you trained the veterans of this country to do. Two: remember what you have asked them to do, and they did it without question. Three: think about what you may ask them to do in the future. Four: our economy is in the toilet, jobs are hard to find, recruitment into the military is easy, wait until the economy is better and see how many young people flock to the military. Especially when they see how present vets are being treated.


  1. That's how my other Uncle was treated when he fought, no questions asked, in Vietnam!!
